
From our Music Captain

From our Music Captain

Annabelle B. our Music Captain in Year 13 reflects on her life as a musician at St Mary’s School.

Having spent the majority of my life within these four walls, I can only begin to count my blessings as I prepare to say ‘goodbye’.

I’ve been lucky enough to have met the greatest of friends, the most inspirational of teachers, the sweetest of brownies … but what I would consider the crowning glory of my school days would undoubtedly be Music.

I remember my first ever audition in Year 2, for a Music scholarship with Mrs Stephenson and Mrs Gears. My two other friends and I were all dressed in Games kit - we’d been taken out of our lesson to go to Brookside for the first time. From what I remember, I was pretty blasé about the whole thing, lounging back in my seat like a 1920s gangster. A 7 year-old gangster ... (with Grade 2 Violin).

And that’s how it all started ...

Being at St Mary’s has given me so much: my first orchestra, my first Carol Service, my first choir; so many things that I now take for granted.

And through the years, the Music teachers have supported my friends and I so patiently and kindly, I don’t think any ‘thank you’ will ever be enough. Their knowledge and enthusiasm for the subject is boundless and I am so, so grateful for all that they have done for me.

Sitting with me for ages working out the rhythms of a piano part, writing countless references for all sorts of strange activities, finding answers to my (sometimes) random and awkward questions … they’ve had to suffer a lot.

Music at St Mary’s gave me, for the first time, the confidence to feel that I have something worthwhile to offer.

I’ve been able to do things such as set up a choir for students in Years 8 and 9 (hi girls!) and I’ve even been given the opportunity to play a movement from a concerto; try telling that 7 year-old that this would happen, she’d probably explode (and then ask what a concerto was).

I’ve met some of the sweetest and funniest people I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing here. I’ll miss you all. So whilst it may be a while until the next time I see that lone, dusty bodhrán hanging on the Music stairs ...

I will be taking all that I have loved, learned and heard in the department with me to university and beyond, because after all, I will always be a St Mary’s girl.

Listen to Annabelle B. perform in our virtual Prize Giving

Music in Senior School and Sixth Form

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