St Bede's Partnership

Our partnership with St Bede’s Inter-Church School, a local state secondary school, is built on shared Christian values. Students and staff in both schools benefit from a wide range of collaborations.

Working with St Bede's, we have created a partnership which has evolved to include a range of academic, vocational, technical and extra-curricular initiatives for students in both schools.

By learning together, our students and those from St Bede’s gain insight into different experiences and perspectives – a great preparation for life. Watch this video from our former Headmistress (2007 - 2024) to find out more about our partnership with St Bede's school.

Partnership activities include:

  • Classical Greek and Latin – St Bede’s students join our girls to study Classical Greek and Latin at GCSE. This extends the curriculum options at St Bede’s and boosts participation our smallest classes.
  • Modern Foreign Languages – We also offer St Bede’s students the opportunity to take Spanish GSCE through St Mary’s School.
  • Governance – As a governor for St Bede’s, our Headmistress is able to offer her perspective as a school leader in a different education sector.
  • Professional development – Teaching staff from both schools collaborate to enhance their professional experience. This includes sharing experience at INSET days and Initial Teacher Training.
  • Sharing resources – We share transport with St Bede’s to attend diocesan events and members of the local clergy work with both our schools to provide chaplaincy support.
  • Sixth Form bursaries – St Bede’s girls are warmly welcomed into our Sixth Form; any girl can apply for a bursary if their family income is below a certain threshold.