Digital learning

We use technology to enhance teaching and learning.

Invisible yet powerful

Technology has changed how young people learn, think and interact. Our education reflects this, in order to effectively prepare our students for life beyond school.

Our aim is for technology to be invisible. This may sound strange, but we believe technology only enhances learning when it doesn't distract the attention of either the teacher or student.

For us, digital technologies improve teaching and learning by:

  • supporting authentic, creative and collaborative learning
  • enabling a wide range of assessment approaches
  • complementing face-to-face contact
  • encouraging productive learning outside the classroom

A connected school

We use Microsoft 365, supported by Cloudbase. All students can access their school work on any device, wherever they are. In Senior School and Sixth Form, all students are provided with a 1:1 device to use in school.

Aside from improving efficiency and organisation when completing school work, this gives students the important experience of working in a digital environment, preparing them for future work place environments.

Cloudbase provides teacher-curated content and is accessible to students 24/7, including:

  • Links to handouts
  • Extension work
  • Past examination papers and mark schemes
  • Tests that can be taken and automatically marked
  • Video or audio clips

Student work is saved to Cloudbase, which means a piece of work can be picked back up easily from home. It also makes sharing files and folders simple, so groups of students can collaborate and work remotely.

Bringing learning to life

Technology assists teachers in bringing subjects to life. A History or Politics lesson can be transformed using YouTube footage, or an English lesson can become a news room environment, with students collaborating on developing copy to a deadline as a 'real-life' situation develops.

Extending teacher support

Beyond the classroom, teachers use OneNote Class Notebooks to distribute materials to students and to provide personalised comments, feedback and support, direct to student notebooks.

More about digital learning