Remote Learning

Complete online provision | #stillstmarys

Our remote learning aim is to provide inspiring teaching and learning in real-time to ensure all pupils continue their academic progress towards being a high performer and realising their full potential.

We deliver a remote Junior School curriculum through live online teaching, using Microsoft Teams. This includes continued access to specialist teaching in subjects such as languages, STEM subjects and music.

Our approach also provides enrichment and engagement outside the classroom, ensuring every girl continues to experience the holistic education that defines St Mary's, including:

  • Continuation of school council activities (School Council, Eco-Council, Tech Council and Faith Council)
  • Lunchtime drop-in sessions for music
  • STEM challenges
  • Off-screen Enrichment Days
Example timetables

Year 6 remote timetable

(ERIC: Everybody reading in class)

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8:45 Head's Assembly Year 5 & 6 Assembly Form time Form time Form time
9:10-10:10 Maths Maths Maths Maths Maths
10:10 Break Break Break Break Break
10:40-12:00 English English English English English
12:15 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
1:30-2:30 History Geography Computer Science PSHE Music
2:30 Art French PE/Mindfulness RE Games
3:00 Art French Mandarin RE Games


Reflection/story Reflection/story Reflection/story Reflection/story

Year 3 remote timetable

(ERIC = Everybody reading in class, Class support is a live session where girls can gain support and guidance from their class teacher.)

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8:45 Check-in Check-in Check-in Check-in Check-in
9:00 Whole school assembly Head's assembly PSHCE PSHCE Class assembly
9:15 Maths Maths Maths Maths Maths
10:10 Break Break Break Break Break
10:30 - 12:00 English Humanities Science English RE
12:15 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
1:30 Class support Class support French Computer Science Class support
2:00 Class support Class support French Computer Science Class support
2:30 Class support Music Mandarin Class support Class support
3:00 Check-in Music Check-in Check-in Check-in

Reception remote timetable

In Reception, our youngest girls enjoy a balance of live lessons and time for independent learning.

  8:45-9:30 9:30-10.00 10:00-12:00 12:00-1:30 1:30-2:30 2:30-3:00 3:00-3:20
Monday Head's Assembly followed by Literacy/Phonics video

Optional drop-in (live)


Individual meetings

Lunch Computer Science (Live) Storytime (live) Optional drop-in (live)
Tuesday Mathematics video Optional drop-in (live)


Individual meetings

Lunch Music (Live) Storytime (live) Optional drop-in (live)
Wednesday Phonics video Optional drop-in (live)


Individual meetings

Lunch Independent learning Storytime (live) Optional drop-in (live)

Pre-Prep Assembly followed by RE video

Optional drop-in (live)


Individual meetings

Lunch Independent learning Storytime (live) Optional drop-in (live)
Friday Mathematics video Optional drop-in (live)

Mathematics (Independent learning)

Individual meetings

Lunch Independent learning Storytime (live) Optional drop-in (live)

Remote learning in action


Sport in lockdown

PE in lockdown riding bicyclesIn our Pre-prep Olympics girls are completing four athletics challenges per week to gain medals for their House.

Our older girls are racing to Tokyo (9561.1km) competing in their Houses to cover an entire journey and recording their progress in the Olympic Exercise Tracker.

Our Head of Prep Sport is leading extra-curricular clubs, including Pre-Prep yoga and 'Get up and Active' sessions. Prep girls are enjoying hockey and netball clubs, and those in Year 5 and 6 can also join running club and some Year 6 girls are taking a Sport Leadership Course.


Head's assembly

Assemblies are vital to keeping our community connected, here is just one example of our weekly Head's assembly for the whole school.

Live butterflies for live lessons

Our youngest girls enjoyed learning about the life cycle of a caterpillar in their live lessons.

Virtual talent

Girls from across our community entered a Talent Contest, remote judged by McFly member Harry Judd and violinist and author Izzy Judd.

“As ever St Mary's Junior School have gone above and beyond our expectations under extraordinary circumstances. They have typically embraced the situation and used it as a positive learning process rather than an inconvenience, despite the obvious difficulties and disruption to "normal" school life. The teachers and other staff are to be highly praised do their calm, structured approach and for their stable, reassuring presence for the girls. ”

Parent, Remote Learning Survey