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Year 4 pupils take a step back in time

Year 4 pupils take a step back in time

Year 4 pupils visited Kentwell Hall near Long Melford, Suffolk on Monday and had a brilliant day. The group went back in time to the year 1600, at the end of the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. The girls had to keep it a secret that Ms Alex Martinez, our Learning Support Assistant, is from Spain – in the 1600s the Spanish were hated in England! The girls remembered our reverences to the gentle folk and made sure to curtsey, and they visited lots of the rooms in the great house. They met the cooks, who were preparing a whole pig’s head for dinner, saw the lovely colourful marchpane (marzipan) sweets, danced in the great hall, and visited the dairy, bakery and many other interesting places! They even saw an alchemist performing magic explosions!