
Skills for life after boarding

Skills for life after boarding

On Tuesday 18 October our Upper Sixth boarders gathered together for a ‘life skills’ evening of talks, intended to provide the girls with practical advice on every day activities. In one of the sessions the girls heard about the importance of budgeting, including the cost of bills and buying groceries, and saving each month in anticipation of larger outgoings. Another session gave tips on doing laundry and ironing, while another focused on food hygiene. The boarding team also wanted to give the girls some words of wisdom on aspects of staying safe, and provided some food for thought regarding ethical living and the environment. Particularly thought provoking was a short video clip of an environmental campaigner simply apologising to future generations for the destruction of the planet, which tied in with Head of Boarding, Mrs Compain-Holt’s, address to the boarding community, about care for the environment, which she gave last Monday. It was an informative evening that the girls really appreciated.