
Year 7 Christingle Service

On Monday 7 December our Year 7 students enjoyed the traditional Christingle service which our Year 7 students have enjoyed for many years. The occasion is shared by tutors and the school’s wonderful laboratory technicians who, as is also tradition, take on the role of Christingle-creators, combining oranges, dolly mixture and candles so that each student has a symbolic Christingle of their own to light during the service. The orange represents the world, the red ribbon the blood of Christ shed for us, the sweets represent the goodness in creation, and the candle on top represents Jesus, the light of the world, who brings hope to people living in darkness.

Students sang carols, delivered readings and presented hand decorated boxes to each other. The girls each decorate a box for one of their peers, which has also been filled with all of the supportive comments written about her by the rest of her form group – a wonderful resource to be kept and treasured, used in moments of feeling low to lift spirits.