
Year 11 careers and employability workshop

Year 11 careers and employability workshop

On Thursday 7 January our Year 11 students had the opportunity to prepare for the world of work and consider their future careers, during a full day of activities organised by Form the Future CIC – a Cambridge-based social enterprise that connects schools with businesses – in conjunction with a number of volunteers from local businesses.

In the morning the business representatives put the students through their paces; conducting interviews to highlight the importance of interview skills, an activity the students found really valuable, whilst Lloyds Bank introduced the girls to the world of finance. The students were shocked at the realisation that entry level salaries only stretch so far when faced with paying other costs of living! There was also an introduction to some of the tests that employers use when recruiting, an introduction to CV writing and the chance to investigate Unifrog – an online resource that helps choose degree courses and apprenticeships.

The afternoon was dedicated to an apprenticeship fair, with representatives from a range of sectors including IT, engineering and finance. EY, Michell Instruments, Softwerx, the University of Edinburgh and the University of East Anglia representatives took part in a panel discussion to explain the similarities and differences between apprenticeship and university routes to employment. Two of the panellists were returning to school as alumnae, one currently doing a degree and the other training to become a Chartered Accountant through the EY school leaver programme.

Thank you to all the businesses, universities and staff who took part and ensured the day was such a success.