
Walk our Way!

Walk our Way!

Tuesday 31 October was Walk our Way (WOW) day at the Junior School. Organised by the Junior School Eco-Council, this day was designed to encourage girls and their families to leave their cars at home and walk, cycle or scoot to school. There was an impressive turn out on Tuesday morning – despite the chilly weather – and the girls were delighted to be greeted with a treat from the PTA upon arrival at school. According to data collected by our parent volunteers, there was a 30 percent increase in the number of girls who came to school on foot, by bicycle or on a scooter (from 60 to 78). This reflects an amazing effort on the part of our pupils’ families! There was also a competitive element to the day, as the four Houses battled it out to see which house would have the most girls arriving without a car. The results will be announced in Monday's assembly, and the winning house will be declared Eco-Warriors!