
Technology showcase and fashion show 2016

Technology showcase and fashion show 2016

The Technology department held the annual Technology showcase and fashion show on the evening of Wednesday 20 April. Once again, the event was in support of the Teenage Cancer Trust charity, in memory of former student, Grace Deng, who was a very talented Textiles student and sadly died in 2012.

Exhibitions featured work from every year group, and from all of our Technology departments. Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) work was displayed in the reception area, along with ICT and Computer Science, whilst A Level and GCSE Textiles and Food Technology work was exhibited as e-displays alongside the Key Stage 3 Textiles work.

Entitled Celebrating Diversity, one of the school’s chosen Mary Ward characteristics for this year, the fashion show part of the evening was organised by Year 9 students who chose their own theme, music, and running order of the performances. Each of the girls designed and made a skirt according to a brief, taking inspiration for the patterns from nature, and an artist or designer. All the skirts were modelled in the show. Beatrice H-L. and Rosie C. performed a song to kick off the fashion show, with Roca C. accompanying the girls on piano.

We were very pleased to welcome alumna Odella Yue back to school for the event.Odella kindly loaned three of the pieces she had designed as part of her Fashion degree at the University of Winchester, which were modelled on the catwalk as part of the show.

The evening was a great success and raised £550 - £350 of which will be donated to the Teenage Cancer Trust, and £200 of which will go to the school’s Sister Christopher bursary fund. Thank you to our generous and supportive audience.