
District Cross Country

District Cross Country

The District Cross Country Championship was held at Netherhall School on Tuesday and each of our girls ran exceptionally well in bright, but muddy, conditions. The overall results are the best that St Mary’s School, Cambridge has ever achieved at these championships, and we are delighted with the girls and the PE department. Our Minor girls’ team finished in second place, the Junior girls’ team did an excellent job to place third in their race, and our Intermediate girls’ team had a strong performance, finishing in second place overall.

Well done to everyone that ran and also to all those that attend the running club and keep pushing the bar higher and higher. Special recognition should be given to Year 11 student Julia P., for dominating her race and coming first by a significant margin, to become this year’s Intermediate District Champion. The following girls have qualified to represent the District in the County Cross Country Championships in January: Lily U. (Year 7), Matilda T. (Year 8), Beth W., Arabella H. and Lucy C. (all Year 9), Jessica O. (Year 10), and Julia P. (Year 11).