
Circle of Friends

Circle of Friends

The most recent Circle of Friends meeting took place on Tuesday 9 May at Mary Ward House – and was a very jolly affair, with 16 attendees including a welcome new member representing the Junior School. There was a general update from the sub-committees: second-hand uniform sales are thriving and the last sale created a profit of £582.50 on just one afternoon. The coffee mornings remain popular and are a good platform for community members to chat with other parents and to socialise informally. The next coffee morning is going to be held in September at The Tickell Arms in Whittlesford and hosted by the pub – date TBC. Some exciting new events are in planning stages – including a gin tasting and another gallery visit…

The group was thrilled to elect a new Chair – welcome to Emma Dunn. Thank you to Helen Hyde, retiring Chair, for her excellent contribution and support, and we wish Emma luck in her new role. A big welcome to Michelle Balance too as the new secretary. 

For any more information about the Circle’s activities please get in touch with Emma Whittley.