
Cartwheels, flips and leaps

Cartwheels, flips and leaps

On Tuesday evening the annual gymnastics display took place and was a resounding success – with 93 girls from the Junior School and Senior School participating, it was the most popular display to date. 17 Junior School pupils opened the display with a skilfully choreographed group performance, which was followed by 20 dynamic and self-choreographed routines by Senior School students from Year 7 to Upper Sixth.

Across the board the girls showed their versatility and initiative by adapting routines in response to some last minute change of plans, and the gymnasts demonstrated their talent and creativity through the variety of superb routines performed. The girls cartwheeled, flipped and leapt their way through the show, whilst an excited audience was wowed by a variety of pair and group balances. The final performance of the night was a breath taking Year 11 display which ended with a stunning group balance.

The display represents how much gymnastics is enjoyed by so many girls throughout the Junior and Senior School and gives the girls an excellent opportunity to grow their confidence in performing. Congratulations to each of the girls who took part in such an excellent standard of display. Special thanks to the following girls who were awarded trophies on the night for their years of service.

For five years of commitment to gymnastics, well done Alexandra H., Lily A., Olenska S.H., Elsie T., Shona M.P., Daisy M., Asha R.P., Cristina C.H., Katie B., Elizah Y., Emma C., Isabel L., Maddy B., and Rebecca A.

For six years’ commitment to gymnastics at our school, congratulations to Daisy K., Emma-Rose S., Daisy F., and Grace C., and for an amazing eight years’ dedication to school gymnastics, well done to Upper Sixth student, Charlotte S. We are especially impressed with our Sixth Form students’ commitment to the sport throughout their time at our school; it is fantastic that they want to continue to perform each year – well done to all.

The final presentation of the evening was the awarding of the Frances Hawken Gymnastic Salver. Mrs Frances Hawken was a member of our PE department for many years, and on retirement Mrs Hawken donated the salver as a way of recognising the hard work and dedication that is required by gymnasts; it is usually awarded to a Year 11 gymnast who has been committed inside and outside school throughout her time at our school. The judges found the decision very difficult this year as the pool of committed Year 11 gymnasts is so large – but the PE department was delighted to award the 2016 Salver to an accomplished gymnast, not only in ability but also in creativity, whose knowledge and experience has been invaluable to her group. Congratulations to Isabel L., who has gone above and beyond expectations by giving up her free time to coach younger girls, attending both Tuesday and Wednesday after-school gymnastics clubs.

Thank you and well done also to this year’s sports captain, Ludo C., and her group of Sixth Form helpers; the Year 8, 9 and 10 sport scholars, for their help in running such an inclusive and impressive evening; the PE department for their ongoing commitment to providing opportunities for all girls to participate and thrive in such a wide range of sports at our school; Dr Cardwell and Mrs Latham – teachers from other departments who share their personal experience in gymnastics in the weekly gymnastics clubs; and Mr Joe Nicholson for providing great lighting and sound as ever.