
A warm Welcome Tea, despite the weather!

A warm Welcome Tea, despite the weather!

A warm and welcoming atmosphere greeted guests at the annual Welcome Tea this afternoon as the community of St Mary's came together to celebrate the start of another full and exciting academic year. 

Despite the bad weather, young and old - from our Reception children from St Mary's Junior School, to our alumnae community - came together to share tea, cake, squash and laughter together in the first all-school event of this academic year.

The Circle of Friends committee yet again organised the event and, true to form, the cake table was bursting at the seams and the guests - which included students, staff, family, friends and alumnae - all enjoyed chatting and catching up with friends new and old.

Huge thanks to all who helped put the event on and helped to make so many delicious cakes. It was the perfect start to the year.

You can see a gallery of images from the event here.