
Years 5 and 6 perform 'Antony and Cleopatra'

Years 5 and 6 perform 'Antony and Cleopatra'

Our open air Shakespeare production of Antony and Cleopatra was fantastic. We were lucky enough to have been given microphones for the soloists' songs, so the girls had another dimension to get used to. We welcomed family members of both Year 5 and 6 girls to see the performances in the garden.   

Despite chilly conditions, the girls looked amazing in their costumes and loved the opportunity to perform the play in the garden to an audience. The girls from Years 2-4 really enjoyed the play, especially the many songs, which they could be heard singing around the school afterwards. 

The older girls’ rehearsals were hampered by unseasonal weather – the pupils’ first performance was cancelled and rescheduled due to the rain, but the girls' dedication and perseverance paid off - the girls wowed the audience with their enthusiastic and energy-filled performances. The final performance was bathed in sunshine, which a great reward for all their hard work! 

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