
Year 7 take part in an Integrated Learning Week

Year 7 take part in an Integrated Learning Week

The theme of the Integrated Learning Week was Eliminating Injustice, one of the Mary Ward characteristics the school is focusing on this year. During the week the Year 7 took part in a variety of activities that examined this theme from different angles. They discovered more about martyrs on a trip to St Albans Cathedral; designed cars as a part of a project designed to make STEM accessible to all; learned how powerful a tool language and music can be in the world; and discovered how Maths can be used to solve crimes in a session with the local constabulary. The students also put together a marketplace event where they came up with their own ideas about how they would change the world, from weird and wonderful machines to promoting gender equality. This was a great opportunity for students to look at their ability to contribute responsibly to society, both locally and globally, whilst having the chance to be creative and collaborate in line with our High Performance Learning philosophy.