
Year 6 enjoy trip to British Science Week Exhibition in Suffolk

Year 6 enjoy trip to British Science Week Exhibition in Suffolk

To launch this year’s Science Week, the Year 6 girls enjoyed a visit to the British Science Week Exhibition organised by BT at their headquarters in Martlesham Heath, Suffolk. They spent an afternoon exploring the BT Future Technologies Showcases and participating in a wide range of hands-on activities related to Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) in real-world contexts.

Highlights included: visiting a bank, hospital and shop of the future; experiencing the latest virtual reality equipment; learning about fibre-optic technology; exploring the possible ways we will lock our doors in future; and discovering the complex maths and physics behind space exploration.

The girls were complimented by the staff and volunteers manning the various activities for the high levels of interest and enthusiasm that they displayed throughout the visit.

On return to school the girls then embarked on a STEM project lasting the full week. In groups, they were tasked with imagining they were charity workers in Kenya who had to design and build a hand washing model that collects and dispenses rain water. They also had to produce educational information to promote hand washing to young children to help stop the spread of infectious diseases.