
Living with dyslexia or dyspraxia

The past fortnight has seen a national awareness raising campaign on dyslexia and dyspraxia. Most of our parents will hopefully be familiar with the dedicated and devoted work that our Learning Support department does, headed up by Ms Jane Earley who, over the past fortnight, has run information sessions on dyslexia and dyspraxia for anyone in the school community who would like to learn more. Jane invited some of our students to explain and illustrate to members of staff the impact on daily life, and learning, that having these learning difficulties can have. The sessions covered: what it feels like to be dyslexic/dyspraxic; signs to look out for in the classroom; and strategies for helping dyslexics/dyspraxics in the classroom. Both sessions were extremely helpful, humbling and thought-provoking and the girls who spoke were excellent ambassadors and educators: it was wonderful to have our students teaching our teachers. Thank you to Jane and especially to the girls involved.