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Art at the Junior School

Art at the Junior School

Our dedicated Junior School Art Room enables girls to immediately access a wide range of resources and this inspires a greater degree of spontaneity within our lessons.

In the past year we have been building up, organising and labelling our art resources to help pupils gain awareness of what is available to them and to encourage them to use and look after them appropriately.

We have greatly appreciated the help from our two Year 5 Art Monitors and the Technology Prefects in labelling and organising the resources.

Our Art Room layout has a large central table with tall stools and workspaces around the room. This enables girls to benefit from working both individually and in groups on their projects. We have also enhanced the lighting and installed magnetic display boards. The shelves outside the room provide a space to create our own art gallery and is perfect for displaying pupils’ work. 

All the classes, from Year 1 upwards, enjoy having their lessons in this dedicated art space. 

  • Year 1 have used clay and a range of tools to make hedgehogs as part of their project on Beatrice Potter.
  • Both Year 2 and Year 6 have produced stunning artwork using oil pastels. Year 2 made their own Ancient Egyptian collar designs and Year 6 responded to the World War 1 artist Paul Nash’s painting ‘We are Making a New World’.
  • For their project on Winter, Year 3 used mixed media, spray paints and inks, and a range of techniques, including stencilling, to produce beautiful snowy scenes.
  • Year 4 girls spent many lessons patiently building up their papier mache volcanoes which were finally given several coats of paint. 

Our extra-curricular Art Club and Eco Club also take place in the Art Room on a weekly basis. Some of the Art Club projects undertaken include quilling and decoupage and Eco Club has recycled paper to make their own paper and beads. 

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