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Academic excellence in Junior School

Academic excellence in Junior School

The Junior School curriculum aims to challenge pupils to think, encourage them to be reflective learners and inspire curiosity and creativity.

These aims are built upon solid foundations of reading and comprehension skills as well as number facts and mathematical skills. Over the last two years, and in particular post-Covid, we have focused upon raising standards in these particular areas in the Junior School in order that the girls all have a solid foundation upon which to build as they progress through school.

The average reading attainment of girls in Years 3-6 is now comfortably in the top 10% of children nationally. In a similar vein our English and mathematics data for all girls in Years 3 to 6 is also in the above-average range nationally, which equates to the top 15%.

These all show year-on-year improvements, and behind this data lies many individual efforts in raising attainment through more regular reading, overlearning (and speeding up) of times table facts, not to mention the hard work of the school’s Learning Support Assistants (LSAs) and class teachers.

The support we get from parents at home is also invaluable; the little and often approach is key to success in reading and learning mathematical facts such as times tables.

Furthermore, teaching to the top, having high expectations, encouraging risk-taking (academically) and the sheer spread of subjects we offer are all key to ensuring that our pupils receive academic stretch and attain highly.

Girls currently have lessons with subject specialist teachers in Science, STEM, Art, Games, PE, Mandarin, French, Music and Computer Science. We feel that at St Mary’s we offer a personalised approach to each girl for her individual requirements, in terms of stretch, particular interests, and pastoral or academic support.

Jo Christian, Head of Preschool and Junior School

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