Year 7 students thank key workers for the mental health support they provided during the pandemic
As part of our Wellbeing Day, Year 7 students paid tribute to the ongoing courage and dedication of NHS Staff and all key workers during the pandemic through art. Students contributed designs to a touring art installation, entitled Gratitude and created by global art producers, Wild in Art, focusing in particular on mental health and the support given to communities by the NHS, volunteers and community groups. Year 7's designs showed deep understanding of the importance and need for this exhibition.
Gratitude honours and pays tribute to NHS Staff and all key workers during the pandemic and captures the extraordinary experiences that have connected us through these most challenging of times. Free to visit, the exhibition has been curated in partnership with creative ambassador Dame Zandra Rhodes and consists of 51 sculptures, all designed by professional artists and designers from across the UK. A touring installation, Gratitude visited the cities of Birmingham, Manchester, Edinburgh and London, ahead of an exciting auction that was held in autumn to raise money for NHS Charities Together.
As a continuation of the installation, all budding young designers are now being encouraged to create their own statues. Using
templates provided by our art team, Year 7 completed their own mini masterpieces, that will now be shared with the exhibition creators and the panel of judges as they will be entered into a nationwide competition.
Year 7 student, Lauren A. said she enjoyed having the opportunity to contribute:
"The pandemic was a really difficult time for everyone, but was especially hard for those working on the frontline. It is so important we don't forget what they did to support us, and what they are continuing to do. Thank you!"
Prizes will be awarded for the most creative design, the best technically-executed, and the most thought-provoking, and the winners will be announced after half term.
Take a look at our gallery of designs. I am sure you will agree, they made some truly thought-provoking images. Well done Year 7!