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From our Head Of Preschool and Junior School

From our Head Of Preschool and Junior School

As we draw to the end of the year, it is a good time for reflection, something which girls in the Junior School frequently do, in particular, as a means of using it to look ahead to the future and how they can improve further.

There is a quote by Richard Riley, a former US Secretary of Education, which resonates with me (and many others) about the purpose of education, of which there are indeed, many. He said:

Education should prepare young people for jobs that do not yet exist, using technologies that have not yet been invented, to solve problems of which we are not yet aware.

The girls and I explored this recently in terms of investing in the foundations of a good education; skills such as reading, communication, creativity and collaboration. Research shows that these skills are essentially future proof, even in tech jobs and (more importantly) even when we don’t actually know what the jobs of the future will be.

Hence by reflecting on feedback, as a means to understand what the next steps should be, we are enabling our girls to not only make the small next steps in lessons, but to be ready to make the larger steps when they are older.

Jo Christian, Head of Preschool and Junior School

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