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Alumna scientist shares her experiences with students

Alumna scientist shares her experiences with students

Many thanks to alumna Iona Christie, who joined the Sixth Form STEMM Enrichment session to share her experiences as a scientist with our students.

She was a really inspiring speaker, who spoke about her degree in Zoology at Exeter University with a special interest in infectious disease. She went on to do a MSC in Medical Microbiology at the London School of Tropical Hygiene and Medicine. She has worked as a Microbiology at GSK, an Assistant Research Scientist for a start up organisation; and has recently joined Public Health England where she is working on HIV, Herpes and Hepatitus C in the Antiviral unit (as seen in the photo).

She spoke particularly about the importance of doing something you really enjoy beyond Sixth Form (having changed her own study plans from Biochemistry to Zoology at the last minute) and how changing your mind and your career goals and aspirations is good, and an important way to learn about yourself!

She was delighted to see St Mary's new Biology labs through Zoom.

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