
Year 6 reflect on what WW2 evacuees experienced

Year 6 reflect on what WW2 evacuees experienced

In Year 6 this week, we have started our study of World War 2.  In English, we have been reading the wonderful book ‘Goodnight Mr Tom’, the story of the an evacuee boy William Beech who is taken in by Tom Oakley.  The girls have enjoyed reading chapters in their ERIC sessions as well as looking at the idea of pathetic fallacy and investigating the setting of the story – the fictional village of Little Weirwold. 

In History lessons, girls have learnt about what it was like to be evacuated from London at the outbreak on World War 2 and listened to the broadcast from Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret to evacuated children in 1940.  They were also very surprised to hear that many children from London had never been to the countryside at all and even did not know what sheep and cows looked like! 

They have thought about what evacuees would have taken with them on their journey, and written letters to appeal for a kind and caring family to take them in.