
Senior School Science Partnership

Senior School Science Partnership

In a continuing partnership, our Senior School science department once again welcomed a group of primary school pupils from The Galfrid School, to participate in our innovative science outreach programme, from November 2019 to February 2020.

Sadly, the Covid-19 lockdown has meant we have been unable to partner with St Alban’s Catholic Primary School in the Summer Term as previously planned. As a result, a total of 14 pupils benefited from this partnership this year, compared to 45 last year. 

Our science outreach work provides local primary school pupils with access to a rich science programme that enables them to experience a range of investigations and themes across chemistry, biology and physics. It targets pupils eligible for free school meals and the pupil premium, but the selection of participants is ultimately made by our partner schools.  

Mentoring experience

St Mary's students, selected from Years 9 to 13, form a team of mentors, to support this programme. Girls volunteer their lunch time to nurture and guide their mentees. We have seen our students becoming important role models in the lives of so many primary school children over the last two years - benefitting both our girls, as well as the young people they are supporting.

Some students used their mentoring experience to support their Duke of Edinburgh’s Award volunteering requirements. A number of St Mary's girls inspired the younger generation as part of their Youth STEMM Award. Other Senior School girls simply volunteered because they enjoy helping younger children. 

"Mentors have shown real dedication and commitment towards their mentees; they have been a reliable support for all the primary school children that we have welcomed to St Mary’s."

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