
Ready, steady, go! Sport in the Junior School

Ready, steady, go! Sport in the Junior School

Whilst this academic year has had a few false starts (lockdown 2.0 and 3.0), it has not dampened the girls’ spirits, or achievement in sport this year!

The year started in September with the opening of our Long Road facilities. In curriculum time girls from Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 have been enjoying having a home of their own, making use of the state-of-the-art hockey pitch, netball courts, 3G and now the athletics area and tennis courts. The Year 5 and 6 girls had the opportunity to use these facilities after school too and Year 6 girls visited the St Mary’s Boat House to try out some land training!

View us in action at Long Road

Taking the Lead in Sport

This year we introduced two new roles at the Junior School: Sports Captain and Vice-Captain. Congratulations to Merryn M. and Beatrice V-C. who became our first-ever Sports Captain and Vice-Captain. 
Lockdown sporting achievements

During the January home learning period, Prep year groups took part in an inter-house race to the Tokyo Olympics. Congratulations to Cavendish who reached Tokyo first! Special mentions must go to Beaux M. (Yr 3), Gayatri K. (Yr 4), Daisy D. (Yr 5) and Stella C. (Yr 6) who travelled the furthest in each of their respective year groups. It was great to witness such excellent house spirit. Pre-Prep also took part in a mini Olympics earning Gold, Silver and Bronze medals for their achievements in each task. 
A small group of Year 6 pupils have also achieved their PlayMakers Sports Leaders Award. They have worked hard to learn key leadership skills and have demonstrated these in both virtual lessons and back in school. 

This year the girls have had to demonstrate perseverance and resilience throughout the different sports. We are lucky, in Physical Education and Sport, that persistence and determination to succeed are embedded in competition and performance; this may be trying to win in sports matches or performing gymnastic and dance routines, or simply, in the act of trying your hardest. With competition, performing, or trying your best, comes a potential exposure to failure; and this is where some of the greatest lessons are learnt!

To pick yourself up after a loss, a fall or when you have dropped short of your own expectations is something we naturally expose our pupils to through PE and Games, to help nurture their resilience and to instil a desire to improve.  

Reflecting with pride

I have been so proud, in my first year as Head of Prep Sport, to witness the positivity, teamwork and perseverance of the Junior School girls in such a different year for them. The girls adapted extremely quickly to taking ownership of their own physical wellbeing during lockdown and recognising how important it is to get outdoors and stay fit and healthy.

The girls were a constant inspiration to me too, making sure I got out in the cold January weather and did my daily exercise too! It has been such an important message to our girls throughout this national pandemic and I hope that they carry on understanding that time away from screens and in the fresh air is time well spent.

The Summer Term is upon us and we are excited to start playing tennis, athletics and cricket throughout the Junior School. We have an online dance showcase to look forward to, as well as Pre-Prep and Prep sports days and the start-up of fixtures against other schools!

Ready, Steady, GO!

Mrs Pearson

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