
Lower Sixth investigates gap year opportunities

The Lower Sixth is focusing on careers this term and, as part of this focus, all of the girls in the Lower Sixth attended a tutorial time presentation by Mr Matt Latimer from Gap 360 and Mr Mike Simms from Frontier on Tuesday 10 January. Both organisations were invited to talk to the girls about the opportunities available to them through taking a gap year, and the guests started by giving an overview of the different types of gap year they are able to help students organise – from adventure travel to volunteering opportunities in areas of conservation and education. The speakers highlighted some of the many benefits that are associated with taking a year ‘out’ after Sixth Form, such as having opportunities to develop real-world skills and greater awareness of other cultures, and also to build a network of people around the world with whom the girls can keep in touch. Mr Latimer was especially inspiring as he recalled his own time travelling abroad and reflected on how this helped him develop and become the person he is today.

We are committed to helping our students consider the range of options open to them after A Level and, as gap years can be very valuable both in terms of personal and career development in so many ways, we were pleased to be able to welcome in both organisations to discuss opportunities with the girls. Next up in the programme is an interview skills workshop, taking place on Tuesday 24 January, and a speed networking event, happening after school on Wednesday 25 January.