
Year 9 adventure

Year 9 adventure

On Friday 9 September it was the turn of our Year 9 girls to have a day out of lessons. The group headed to the Kingswood centre in Norfolk, right by the beach, for a day of team building adventure activities. Year 9 is one of the school’s key entry points and so we welcome new girls into the Senior School at this stage. One of the greatest aspects of the trip is to encourage all the girls, out of the school environment, to make new friends – which they certainly did. One student said:  “As a new student to the school I felt the day really helped me feel part of the year group”. The day also offered an opportunity for returning students to get to know each other better, with one boarder reflecting: “I talked to the day girls that I hadn't met before”.

According to many of the girls the highlight seems to have been the 'nightline', which was an activity for which the girls were blindfolded and had to feel their way around a basic obstacle course. It relied on good communication, trust and helping each other out. Other activities included a ‘leap of faith’, high ropes, and problem solving in groups. An excellent day for all involved!

“We loved the high ropes. They were scary and daring!”

“I really enjoyed the nightline. It was scary but fun; it felt like there were things crawling down our backs.”

“The day was brilliant!”

“We made new friends.”

“I really enjoyed the leap of faith. At first it was scary because it wobbled but I felt really proud when I jumped.”

“I talked to the day girls that I hadn't met before.”

“We had to work together as a team for the problem solving activity, so we had to know everyone's strengths.”

“We had lots of fun.”