
Peer mentor training

Peer mentor training

On Saturday 16 September newly appointed peer mentors from Year 10, Year 11 and the Upper Sixth attended a training day at Mary Ward House. The session was led by an external speaker, Val Barritt, with the help of Mrs Kay Dodsworth and Miss Claire Elliott. The girls worked co-operatively and thoughtfully amongst their mixed aged groups and it was fantastic to see the high levels of engagement.  

The day began with some ice-breaking activities, followed by reflection on what makes a good mentor. After break, listening skills were developed along with an exploration of what makes a good question. Following lunch the girls worked in pairs to role-play some of the scenarios they may find themselves in when mentoring younger girls. They also had an opportunity to work through some solutions to the issues they might encounter. Peer mentors will work with Year 7 students in the first instance and then as the term progresses on a one to one basis with girls in Year 8 and Year 9 who may need support with anything from friendship to organisation.