
Spanish boarder Irene talks about starting a new language and her love for studying biology

Spanish boarder Irene talks about starting a new language and her love for studying biology

Hello, my name is Irene. I come from Spain and I board here at St. Mary's School and am in Year 8. I decided to come here because my sister recommended this school to me. My sister came to St. Mary's 3 years ago and stayed for a year, just like I am doing, and she loved the school. She never boarded but encouraged me to do it and here I am.

I must say I agree with my sister that this is a great school. This school has been spectacular just like the people in it, they are all supportive and kind and I've make great friends. I learned so much in this school, started a new language, Latin, which I love, found my love for biology and many more. This school has left me with many wonderful memories that I am going to cherish my whole life and it is all thanks to St. Mary's School.